Indie Author Resources
Writing and self publishing are not only difficult but confusing if you don't know where to turn! After a few years in this business, I've gathered some resources and tools that any indie author must have in their kit. Here you will find cover and promo tips, websites, and referrals from sources that I have used in the past. If I've used it, it has a description. Other sites have been recommended. I hope this page helps any troubled author!
Formatting and Submitting A Manuscript
Formatting A Manuscript For Kindle and Other Ebooks:
- Smashwords Style Guide: extremely helpful and easy to use!
Submitting A Short Story or Manuscript:
- The William Shun Model: use this for submitting short stories unless the submission guidelines for your selected medium are different.
Writing A Cover Letter: Depending on the publisher, some may require this important part of the submission.
Database Of Literary Agents
-Association of Authors' Representatives Inc.
** Remember: Dont ever pay to publish!**
Publisher Database- This website has thousand of Indie publishers listed, warning of those with bad practices while listing those the organization recommends.