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So proud of this project. It took years to complete and was part of my SNHU masters thesis! If you'd like to be an Advanced Reader, sign up using the form :

Forget about mermaid princesses and happy endings. These stories explore the allure and changing emotions of the ocean.

Travel to uncharted cities, meet feral mermaids, and discover undersea mysteries in this anthology of short stories and poems. Described by beta readers as “a love letter to the ocean,” Kyla Stan explores the turbulent relationship between humans and the ocean, representing varied emotions from grief to fear to seduction.

What happens when a simple Southern fisherman catches a vicious mermaid? Can a young man dealing with grief allow the ocean to heal his wounds? What inspired Jules Verne to write his deep-sea mysteries? Can selkies ever fall in love with humans and shed their skin forever?

These are some of the questions readers will consider while exploring the darker depths of the ocean.

Stories and Poems Featured: Tamed- featured in Elphame Realms E-Zine

Mermaid Hair

Charm of the Sea Folk

Family Cloak

Siren Song


Chlorine and Salt

Orca: A Tale of Freedom

A Day of Fishing- Winner of Unbound Story Ink’s Spring Into Adventure writing contest

Siren’s Rage

The Adventure of Pompelli

The Mermaid’s Dream

Tempest In The Storm


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